Chal Nakhjir Cave in Iran

Chal Nakhjir Cave in Iran

Chal Nakhjir Cave in Iran is one of the most beautiful caves in Iran and a 3-story limestone living cave that was in 1987, and so far only 1200 meters of the cave has prepared for visiting. If you would like to learn more about this beautiful cave, join us on the Hey Persia blog.

Where is Chal Nakhjir Cave?

The first question that comes to our mind when we hear the name Chal Nakhjir Cave is, in which province is Chal Nakhjir Cave located? This 70 million year old cave is located 11 kilometers northeast of Delijan city in Markazi province, on the slopes of a mountain called Takht at an altitude of 1716 meters above sea level. The distance from Tehran to Chal Nakhjir Cave is about 263 kilometers, which takes about 3 hours and 47 minutes.

Why is it called Chal Nakhjir?

In the distant past, hunters would lead their prey to a deep area called Chal Nakhjir so that the animal would not escape. Chal means a hole or a low area and Nakhjir means a hunting ground. Therefore, Chal Nakhjir means lower than the hunting ground.

Why is it called Chal Nakhjir?

Introduction and history of the construction of Chal Nakhjir Cave in Delijan

The age of Chal Nakhjir Cave in Delijan dates back to the third geological period, 70 million years ago. The reason for the creation of this cave is the movement of a reverse fault in the Warren Deficit area. This cave is 3-storeyed and 95% of its walls are with limestone sediment and the rest with rock. Chal Nakhjir Cave is a living limestone cave that has a common path for the first 600 meters and then divides into 2 branches. This cave is about 14 kilometers deep and so far only 1200 meters of it has floored and prepared. Chal Nakhjir Cave in Delijan; As mentioned, it is 3-storeyed and to visit its 2 floors, you sometimes have to go up or down the stairs, which number up to 47, to reach the other floor.

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In the past, there was water inside the cave in such a way that the water level line on the wall was visible. There is a lake at the bottom of the cave, which has discovered to be 400 square meters, and it seems to be more than 400 square meters. The depth of this lake is to be about 70 meters and its length is 12 kilometers, of which only 6 kilometers have discovered. Inside the cave, there are very beautiful corridors, corridors, vestibules, ponds and terraces. In addition, there are crystal prisms called “calcite” in the cave, which were created by natural factors and create very beautiful images when light reflects in them.

Chal Nakhjir Cave in Iran

In this amazing cave, you will see decorative stones in various shapes such as humans, deer, eagles, turtles, pigeons, and crystal statues. Chal Nakhjir Cave has numerous halls. The largest of them is in size. The most famous halls are:
Lake Hall
Barzakh Hall
Zoo Hall
Chehel Cheragh Hall
Chehel Sotun Hall
Beauty Hall
Bridal Table Hall
Chal Nakhjir Cave
The Lake Hall, Barzakh, Zoo, Chehel Sotun, Beauty Hall, and Bridal Hall of Chal Nakhjir Cave are among the most beautiful halls.

What is the weather like inside?

The weather in the cave is good due to the air conditioning that is provided in it, and varies between 7 and 14 degrees Celsius. In such a way that it is cool in summer and warm in winter. Since no light shines into the cave, no living creature lives inside Chal Nakhjir Cave. In addition, you will not face a lack of oxygen in Chal Nakhjir Cave.

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What is the weather like inside?

The best time to visit Chal Nakhjir Cave in Delijan

Since the air inside the cave is not so variable and can said to be almost constant, it is possible to visit it in all seasons of the year. But if you want to visit the sights around this area in addition to visiting the cave, it is better to travel to this area in the spring.

Chal Nakhjir Cave in Iran

Chal Nakhjir Cave is one of the most beautiful limestone caves in the world, which was in 1986 and was in the list of national monuments of Iran in 1384. This beautiful cave is located 164 kilometers from Arak, 3 and a half hours away. If you are planning to travel to the sights of Markazi Province, just join us at Hey Persia Travel Agency. Itis a safe and different choice for middle-aged people that helps them have different and desirable trips with different interests. Just join us once on our Iran tours to become our permanent travel companions. So register and join us.

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