Author name: Kamyar-writer

Kolah Ghazi Park in Iran

Kolah Ghazi Park in Iran

Kolah Ghazi Park in Iran and Wildlife Sanctuary is considered one of the scenic spots of Isfahan province. This area of ​​50,911 hectares was used as a royal hunting ground since the Safavid period. It is enough to visit the book “History of Masoudi” written by “Masoud Mirza Zal al-Stan” the eldest son of Naser […]

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Lar National Park in Iran

Lar National Park in Iran

In the neighborhood of Tehran, the capital of our beautiful country, there is one of the largest plains of Iran, Lar Plain (Lar National Park), which is known as Iran’s paradise due to its unique nature and numerous springs. This pristine and beautiful area has an interesting history for itself. If you are interested, where

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Shush Castle In Iran

Shush Castle In Iran

Shush Castle In Iran is a trapezoidal building with a medieval design, which was by order of the French archaeologist “Jacques Dumorgan” and using the bricks of “Apadana Palace” and a number of bricks engraved with cuneiform “Chaghazanbil” as an archaeological base. This 120-year-old historical building has unique features that we will mention below. If

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