Yoush Village in Iran

Yoush Village in Iran

Perhaps if it weren’t for Nima Yushij, few people would have heard of the village of Yush in Mazandaran. Nima Yushij, a famous poet of modern poetry, was initially in the city of Rey. But in 1993, he transferred to his birthplace, the village of Yoush Baladeh. This made people familiar with the village of Yoush , the birthplace of Nima Yushij. These days, the purpose of visiting the Yoush Village in Iran is not only to visit Nima’s tomb, but this area has numerous tourist attractions. Join us on the Hey Persia blog to learn more about this beautiful village.

Where is Yoush Village?

Yosh Village is located in the Baladeh of Noor County in Mazandaran Province. This village is located in the heart of a valley between the Alborz Mountains. The distance from Yosh to Amol is to be about 110 kilometers, and the distance from Tehran to Yoush Village is to be about 180 kilometers. This village has an interesting history that we will discuss in the next section.

History of Yoush Village

Yosh Village, Mazandaran, is one of the oldest villages in the region. It is that in the years 515 to 538 AH, a person named “Yosh bin Hezar Asb” entered this region and actually conquered the village and gave it his first name “Yosh”. Considering this, it can be that the age of Yosh Village goes back about a thousand years.

On the other hand, in the tourist village of Yosh, there is a building that archaeologists believe was a Zoroastrian fire temple. In addition, the famous Iranian poet Nima Youshij is from a family whose lineage goes back to the Tabaristan branch of the Espahbadans called Padusabians. The roots of this family go back to “Jamaseb Sasani”, the twenty-first Sassanid king who had the longest reign.

History of Yoush Village

Village of Yosh

In Dehkhoda culture, Yosh means darkness and darkness. Most likely, the reason for this name for the village is that the village is located in the shadow of the surrounding mountains. The architecture of the houses in the village of Yosh Balade is organic. Organic architecture means that the house and agricultural land built based on the slope of the land and its water streams and has not changed over the years and still built in the same traditional way.

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Houses in the village of Yosh

Houses in the village of Yosh in Mazandaran are located on a mountainside where the most sunlight shines and agricultural lands are located near the river. There are two routes to access the village of Yosh in Mazandaran, which are:

Chalus Road Route

As you know, Chalus Road has more visual beauty than the Haraz Road. To go to the village of Yosh on the Chalus Road, you pass through the Kandovan Tunnel, Siah Bisheh, and Zanguleh Bridge until you reach the sign for the village of Yosh. This village is 90 kilometers from the city of Noor and about 8 kilometers from Balade.

Haraz Road Route

If you plan to go to the village of Yosh from the Haraz Road, you must first go to Amol and from there follow the sign for the village of Yosh.

Sights of Yosh Baladeh Village

The sights of Yosh Village are divided into 2 categories: natural attractions and historical attractions, which we will talk about with you later.

Sights of Yosh Baladeh Village

In the village

Among the sights of Yosh Village is its garden alley. Around the village, there are pristine landscapes that will amaze you with their beauty. In this area, wild plants such as acorns, aspen, oregano, nettle, and nettle are abundant. This village is a pleasant summer resort with 14 springs flowing in it. In the warm seasons of the year, the fruit trees of this village bear abundant fruits, such as walnuts, hazelnuts, cherries, and apricots.


Ozrud is one of the main tributaries of the Haraz River that passes downstream from the village of Yosh. If you want to sit by a river and spend hours in the heart of nature with the soothing sound of water, sit by Ozrud. To stay in the village of Yosh, you should use the houses of the villagers or pitch a tent in the nature around the village.

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Historical attractions of the Yoush Village in Iran

  1. Nima Yoshij House
    The most important attraction of the village of Yosh is the house of Nima Yoshij. This house, which dates back to the Qajar period, was the birthplace of Nima and has now been converted into an anthropological museum where Nima’s personal belongings are kept. In addition to Nima, her sister “Behjat Esfandiari” and “Sirous Tahbaz” are also buried in this house.
  2. Kiadavod Tomb
    In the upper part of the village of Yosh, there is a small building known as Kiadavod Tomb. Kiadavod was the son of the ruler of Yosh who was buried in this area. It is said that the ruler of Yosh had three sons, all of whom he lost and buried in a corner of the village. Unfortunately, there is no information about the burial place of the other two sons. It is said that the tomb building was actually a fire temple, and for this reason this tomb is also called the Kiadavod Fire Temple.
  3. Other historical attractions of Yosh village
    Other attractions of this village include the historical Yosh bath, the twin building of Barar, the tomb of Seyyed Amin and Seyyed Jalal, the Shah Garden, the Black Stone, the tomb of Seyyed Amin and Seyyed Jalal, the Sorkhband Mountains, the house of Mirza Mehdi Khan and the Shah Garden, and the Polad Balade Castle.
Historical attractions of the Yoush Village in Iran

The best time to visit Yoush Village in Iran

The best time to visit this summer village is spring and summer. Since Yosh village is located in a mountainous area, it has a very cool climate. Traveling to this area in late spring and summer is more suitable.

Yoush Village in Iran

Yosh village is a pleasant mountainous village and in fact one of the tourist summer villages in the region, which in addition to the house and tomb of Nima Yoshij has many tourist attractions that were mentioned. If you are interested in traveling to Yosh village, you can join us in Hey Persia.

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