Alasht Village in Iran

Alasht Village in Iran

If you live in the capital and want to go on a beautiful and attractive trip in an area with a cool climate and spend your weekend in peace, Alasht Village in Iran, the historical paradise of Mazandaran, is a very suitable option. This area is in 254 km from Tehran and you have to drive for about 4 hours to reach it.

Today we are going to talk to you about the city of Alasht Village in Iran in Hey Persia blog. The topics we will discuss with each other will include things such as the history of Alasht, the places to see in Alasht, the weather of Alasht and staying there. So if you are into knowing more about this, stay with us in the rest of the article.

Alasht Village in Iran, the paradise of astronomers

The city of Alasht was originally a village, and in 1352, it became a city with the establishment of a municipality. In 1349, this city was in the list of national monuments of Iran under the title “Old Quarter of Alasht” due to the presence of local architectural features. This lovely city is as the paradise of astronomers and astronomers due to its location at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level, clean and unpolluted sky and the existence of an observatory in the region, and indeed, this title is fitting.

What does alasht mean?

Alasht means “Eagle’s nest” in Mazandarani language, and since there are many eagles living in this city, this city is called Alasht.

The pleasant weather of Alasht Village in Iran

As mentioned before, the village of Alasht Firouzkoh is located at an altitude of 1900 meters above the ground. The temperature range of this village is between 7.5 and 10 degrees Celsius and the average annual rainfall is between 500 and 700 milliliters. The climate of this area is cool even in summer. Therefore, if you are tired of the heat on hot summer days, traveling to Alasht Swadkoh is a good option.

The pleasant weather of Alasht Village in Iran

Alasht Village in Iran sightseeing places

In this section, we will share with you some of the most important places to visit in Alasht-Savadkoh:

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Alasht Museum of Anthropology

Alasht Anthropology Museum is actually Reza Khan Pahlavi’s father’s house and birthplace, which is on two floors and is 200 years old. In 2007, with the help of the municipality and the people of Alasht, this house was into a museum of “Alasht Ethnography”. In this museum, objects and works related to the daily life of Alasht residents, such as spinning tools, metal and wooden dishes, oil and gas lamps, scythe, axe, scale and abacus displayed. There are several important works in the Alasht Anthropology Museum that most visitors pay special attention to.

One of them is a very old cradle that the people of Alasht thought belonged to Reza Shah, while it is not the case and this cradle was donated to the museum by one of the people of Alasht. Another important artifact is a pair of old boots, which people also thought belonged to Reza Shah, while this is not the case and the boots belong to Reza Shah’s cousin. Another important work, which is 350 years old, is a ladder called “Kati” which means division, which is made of wild pear tree.

Alasht Village in Iran Museum of Anthropology

Alasht Anthropology Museum is a 200-year-old adobe house, which was actually Reza Shah Pahlavi’s father’s house, where you can learn more about the lifestyle of the people of Alasht, Swadkoh. Most of the works you see in Alasht Anthropology Museum are made of wood. The reason for that is the abundance of beech trees in this area.

Alasht Village in Iran Museum of Anthropology

The historical context of Alasht

Due to its location at a high altitude, this village has always been safe from conquerors and looters. This issue has caused the architecture of this village to remain pristine and untouched. The architecture, which we refer to as pristine architecture, includes Qajar adobe buildings, cobblestone paths, narrow alleys, and a 200-year-old house that has become an anthropological museum today.

Temple of Pure Maiden

“Temple of Pure Maiden” is a shrine in the southeast of Alasht that only women can visit and men are not to enter. The people of Alasht village believe that if a man enters this shrine, a snake will bite him. There are many stories about the Temple of Pure Girl. Some people say that this temple is the burial place of a pure lady. While according to another story in the Sassanid period, two sisters who had a high mystical status were in this temple.

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Alasht Observatory

Alasht Observatory is a building that was by two Isfahani and Shirazi companies in this area in 2005 and is also as “Ayatollah Mazandarani Observatory”. This observatory is the highest observatory in Iran and the only observatory in the northern provinces of the country. Alasht Observatory has various equipment such as a six-inch telescope and an astronomical scale, a complete set of software, books, photos and astronomy posters, etc.

Cherat village in Alasht Village in Iran

Cherat village is another interesting place in Alasht, which is located 22 km from it. Some believe that the name of Sawadkoh is from Swat Mountain, which is located in the southeast of Cherat village. This summer village has a variety of scenic views that are worth visiting. Among the sights of this village, we can mention the waterfall, ancient caves, 200-year-old bath and its many springs.

Lind village

Lind village is famous for its beautiful Hyrcanian forest. This village is at a distance of 7 km from Alasht.

The best time to travel to Alashte

Since this is a mountainous region and as mentioned, it has a cool climate. The best time to travel there will be late spring and summer when the weather in this area is warm. Of course, visiting this area in early autumn and watching the colorful trees has its own grace and purity.

Alasht Village in Iran

In this article, we tried to introduce you to Alasht, its meaning, the best time to travel, places to see in Alasht, etc. If you want to visit this historical city, you can go with Hey Persia travel agency. Hey Persia is a safe and different choice for middle-aged people, which helps them experience different and desirable trips with different interests and go to different and pristine places. It is enough to join us once in Iran tours to become our constant companions. So register and join us.

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